Hot and Loud

I don’t know, man. What is it about hot weather and lout music that just gets me going? Does this happen with anyone else. I watch that mercury slowly rise, boil, then bust open the top of the thermometer and feel I need to be outside doing work. Work? Who knows I just walk around with all the tools I’ve accumulated and look for stuff to break, so I’m probably doing the opposite of work.

It’s hot, and dang – I’m sweating every drip of beer I consumed the night before. Something always calls to me. Tunes. Put on Tunes. Loud and just go. So, I listen to that voice deep in my soul telling me what to do. I’ll either plop on some phones or hook up that bluetooth and crank the sound. And just let loose. I’ll grab my saw or pickaxe and just start crushing it. I love destroying, maintenance isn’t my thing.

I’m sweating, dripping. It’s running down my arms, down my legs, and down into my eyes so I have no idea what I’m looking at. Feels good man. Sweat and work. Then there comes that moment. Something is missing ( a tool, some food to grill, my neighbors hat) and I need to hop in the car to get it.

Normal circumstance – you open the doors and let the heat come out, but on these days you open the door and let the heat consume you. I’m talking about letting all your pours learn pilates to stretch in new ways you’ve never known and let sweat roll. The car starts and the windows go down, elbow out the window and hand waving in the air. The only thing that needs to be added is some music, and it needs to be blasting out the windows grasping for something cooler than next to me. To me, I need some country rocking in my radio. The songs I’ve been rocking are “Snake Farm”, “New Year’s Eve”, and “Can’t Get Away from a Good Time”.

That’s it. That’s what life is about. Hot, Sweaty, Music blasting, Head nodding, wind in the few hairs I have left. I love that feeling.

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